Maintaining creativity is a powerful way for your incarcerated loved one to stay mentally active, express themselves, and find joy. Encouraging creative activities and sharing inspiring books can help them tap into their creative potential. Here’s a guide on how to spark creativity in your loved one, along with book recommendations and activities you can do together.

Understanding the Importance of Creativity

Creativity provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Emotional Expression: It offers a healthy outlet for emotions and stress.
  • Mental Stimulation: Engaging in creative activities keeps the mind sharp.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Completing creative projects can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Connection: Sharing creative endeavors can deepen your bond and provide shared experiences.

Book Recommendations to Inspire Creativity

  1. “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron
  • Summary: This book offers a 12-week program to unleash creativity, with exercises and activities designed to help readers connect with their creative side.
  • Why It’s Great: It provides a structured approach to creativity that can be easily adapted to the constraints of prison life.
  1. “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Summary: Elizabeth Gilbert shares her insights on creativity, offering encouragement and practical advice for living a creative life.
  • Why It’s Great: Its inspirational tone and practical tips make it a motivating read for anyone looking to embrace creativity.
  1. “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon
  • Summary: This book provides a fresh perspective on creativity, encouraging readers to embrace influence and remix ideas.
  • Why It’s Great: Its accessible language and actionable advice make it perfect for sparking creative thinking.
  1. “Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott
  • Summary: Anne Lamott offers practical advice on writing, interwoven with humor and wisdom about life and creativity.
  • Why It’s Great: It’s a heartfelt and encouraging guide for anyone interested in writing or storytelling.

Creative Activities to Do Together

1. Collaborative Storytelling

How to Play: Start a story and take turns adding to it with each letter or eMessage. This can be an ongoing activity that evolves with each exchange.

  • Example:
  You: Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a curious cat named Whiskers.
  Loved One: Whiskers loved exploring the village, especially the mysterious old library at the end of the street.

2. Art Challenges

How to Play: Draw or sketch something based on a theme or prompt and share it with your loved one. They can respond with their own drawing or interpretation of the theme.

  • Example:
  • Theme: Nature
  • Prompt: Draw your favorite animal in its natural habitat.

3. Poetry Exchange

How to Play: Write poems and share them with each other. You can choose themes or words to inspire your poems and discuss their meanings.

  • Example:
  • Theme: Hope
  • Poem:
    You: In the darkest night, hope shines bright, A beacon of light, guiding the fight. Loved One: With every dawn, new dreams take flight, Together we soar, hearts intertwined tight.

4. Creative Writing Prompts

How to Play: Share creative writing prompts and write short stories or essays based on them. This can be a fun way to explore different ideas and styles.

  • Example Prompts:
  • Write a story about a day in the life of a superhero.
  • Describe your perfect day from start to finish.

5. DIY Projects

How to Play: Discuss and plan simple DIY projects that your loved one can create with limited materials. This can include crafts, origami, or making decorations for their cell.

  • Example:
  • Paper Flowers: Instructions on making flowers from paper.
  • Origami: Simple origami designs like cranes or boxes.

Tips for Encouraging Creativity

  1. Be Supportive: Encourage your loved one’s efforts and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small.
  2. Provide Resources: Send books, art supplies, or printed instructions for projects if allowed.
  3. Share Your Own Creations: Share your creative work to inspire and motivate them.
  4. Set Goals: Set creative goals together, like completing a drawing a week or writing a poem a month.
  5. Be Patient: Creativity can take time to develop, so be patient and encouraging.


Sparking creativity in your incarcerated loved one can provide them with a meaningful way to express themselves and stay mentally engaged. By sharing inspiring books, participating in collaborative activities, and offering support and encouragement, you can help them tap into their creative potential. These shared experiences not only foster creativity but also strengthen your bond, making your connection even more special.

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