Staying connected with your loved one in prison is crucial for maintaining a strong relationship and providing emotional support. One of the best ways to keep in touch is through eMessages. These digital letters can be a source of joy, comfort, and connection. Here are some tips and ideas for writing engaging and fun eMessages that will brighten your loved one’s day. If you’re new to writing messages every day, here are some helpful suggestions!

1. Start with a Warm Greeting

Begin your eMessage with a warm and loving greeting. A simple “Hello, my love” or “Hi there, dear” can set a positive tone for the rest of the message. Personalize it to show that you’re thinking specifically about them.


Hi there, my love!

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and wanted to share some exciting updates and fun stories with you.

2. Share Daily Life Updates

Keep your loved one in the loop by sharing updates about your daily life. Talk about your work, hobbies, or any interesting events. This helps them feel connected to your world and provides a sense of normalcy.


Yesterday, I tried a new recipe for dinner – a spicy chicken curry! It was a bit of a disaster because I accidentally used too much chili powder, but it made me think of how you always like your food with a kick.

3. Discuss Shared Memories

Reminiscing about shared memories can bring comfort and joy. Mentioning happy times you’ve spent together can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of continuity.


Remember that time we went hiking and got lost for hours? We ended up finding that beautiful waterfall. I was looking at the pictures the other day and it made me smile. I can’t wait to create more memories like that with you.

4. Suggest Fun Topics and Activities

Engage your loved one with fun and interesting topics. You can discuss books, movies, or TV shows you’re both interested in. Suggest activities like word games, puzzles, or trivia questions that you can both enjoy.


I’ve been watching this new series called "Stranger Things" – it’s so gripping! Have you heard of it? Maybe we can discuss our favorite characters and plot twists. Also, here’s a little brain teaser for you: What has keys but can’t open locks? (Answer: A piano!)

5. Share News Articles and Stories

Send them interesting news articles or stories. Choose positive and uplifting news that can spark a good conversation. You can also share funny or unusual stories from around the world.


I came across this hilarious news story about a cat that became the mayor of a small town! Can you believe it? I thought you’d get a kick out of it. Here’s the link if you want to read more: [Link to Article]

6. Express Your Feelings and Support

Never underestimate the power of expressing your love and support. Let your loved one know how much they mean to you and that you’re there for them, no matter what.


I miss you so much every day, but I’m so proud of how strong you’re being. Remember, we’re in this together, and I’m here for you always. Keep your head up, my love.

7. Plan Future Activities

Talk about plans for the future. Whether it’s planning a trip, discussing future goals, or simply imagining your next date night, these plans can give your loved one something to look forward to.


I’ve been thinking about our next adventure together. How about a road trip along the coast once you’re out? We can visit all those little seaside towns we always talked about. What do you think?

8. Include Photos and Drawings

If possible, attach photos, drawings, or other visual elements to your eMessages. Visuals can provide a deeper connection and a sense of presence.


I’ve attached some photos from our family barbecue last weekend. Everyone says hi and sends their love! Also, here’s a little doodle I made – it’s supposed to be us on a beach, but I’m no artist, so use your imagination!


Writing engaging and fun eMessages to your loved one in prison is a wonderful way to maintain your connection and support their emotional well-being. By sharing daily life updates, reminiscing about shared memories, discussing fun topics, and expressing your love and support, you can brighten their day and strengthen your relationship. Remember, your words have the power to uplift and comfort, making a significant difference in their life.

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This is Chapters and Chains

Welcome to Chapters and Chains – I created this site for those looking for a way to connect with a loved one who is incarcerated and who are navigating the complex correctional systems across the United States.

Here you will find ways to connect through reading and books with your loved one, information on how to put parole packets together, resources for reintegration and helpful planning documents. All resources are and will always be, FREE.

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