Reentering the job market after incarceration can be daunting, but a well-crafted resume can significantly improve your chances of success. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a resume that highlights your skills, experiences, and readiness to contribute to a new workplace. Follow these steps to build a resume that stands out and helps you secure the job you want.

Step 1: Gather Your Information

Before you start writing, gather all relevant information, including:

  • Personal details (name, address, phone number, email)
  • Employment history
  • Education and training
  • Skills and certifications
  • Volunteer work and community service
  • References

Step 2: Choose the Right Resume Format

For individuals with gaps in employment due to incarceration, a functional or combination resume format is often the best choice. These formats emphasize skills and qualifications over chronological work history.

Functional Resume: Focuses on skills and experiences.
Combination Resume: Blends skills with a chronological listing of employment history.

Step 3: Create a Strong Resume Header

Your resume header should include:

  • Your full name
  • Contact information (phone number, email address, and optional mailing address)
  • LinkedIn profile or personal website (if applicable)


John Doe
123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP
(123) 456-7890

Step 4: Write a Compelling Objective or Summary

A resume objective or summary gives employers a quick overview of who you are and what you bring to the table.

Objective Example:

Dedicated and skilled individual seeking a position in [industry] where I can utilize my experience in [specific skills] to contribute to the team’s success. Committed to continuous learning and personal development.

Summary Example:

Experienced professional with a background in [industry/field], possessing strong skills in [key skills]. Proven ability to [accomplishment or task], with a focus on delivering high-quality results and maintaining excellent team collaboration.

Step 5: Highlight Your Skills

List relevant skills that match the job you’re applying for. Focus on both hard skills (technical abilities) and soft skills (interpersonal abilities).

Skills Example:

- Project Management
- Team Leadership
- Customer Service
- Problem Solving
- Communication
- Time Management
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Carpentry (or other trade skills)

Step 6: Detail Your Work Experience

For a functional resume, this section can be brief and focus on skills used and accomplishments. For a combination resume, provide a reverse-chronological list of your previous positions.

Work Experience Example (Functional):

Work Experience
- Successfully managed a team of five in a fast-paced retail environment, improving customer satisfaction by 20%.
- Led community service projects, coordinating logistics and volunteer participation.
- Developed and implemented inventory management system, reducing waste by 15%.

Work Experience Example (Combination):

Work Experience
Retail Manager
XYZ Store, City, State
June 2018 - March 2020
- Managed a team of five, improving customer satisfaction by 20%.
- Implemented inventory management system, reducing waste by 15%.

Community Service Coordinator
ABC Organization, City, State
January 2016 - May 2018
- Led community service projects, coordinating logistics and volunteer participation.

Step 7: Include Education and Training

List your educational background and any additional training or certifications. If you completed courses or received training while incarcerated, include these details.

Education Example:

GED, Name of Institution, City, State, Year

Training Example:

Training and Certifications
- Certificate in HVAC, Name of Institution, Year
- OSHA Safety Certification, Year

Step 8: Add Volunteer Work and Community Service

Highlight any volunteer work or community service, as it demonstrates responsibility and a commitment to positive contributions.

Volunteer Work Example:

Volunteer Work
Community Volunteer
Local Shelter, City, State
March 2020 - Present
- Assisted in organizing food drives and distribution.
- Coordinated activities and resources for shelter residents.

Step 9: Provide References

Include references or note that they are available upon request. Choose references who can speak to your character, skills, and work ethic.

References Example:

Available upon request.

Step 10: Review and Tailor Your Resume

Carefully review your resume for any errors or inconsistencies. Tailor your resume to each job application by emphasizing the skills and experiences most relevant to the position.

What Not to Do

  1. Do Not Lie or Mislead: Always be truthful about your experiences and skills.
  2. Do Not Include Irrelevant Information: Focus on what’s relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  3. Do Not Use Unprofessional Language: Keep your language formal and professional.
  4. Do Not Overlook Formatting: Ensure your resume is easy to read with consistent formatting.
  5. Do Not Ignore Gaps: If asked, be honest about your incarceration. Briefly explain it and focus on what you learned and how you’ve grown from the experience.

Prompt for AI:

Create a professional resume for an individual who is currently incarcerated. The resume should focus on highlighting transferable skills, education, and any relevant work experience gained both prior to and during incarceration. Here are the details to include:

  1. Personal Information:
    • Name: John Doe
    • Contact Information: [Use the address of the correctional facility and a reliable contact method]

    2. Objective:

      • Craft a brief statement summarizing John’s career goals and the type of job he is seeking upon release.

      3. Skills:

        • List key skills John has acquired, such as problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, communication, time management, and any specific technical skills.

        4. Work Experience:

          • Include any work experience John had prior to incarceration.
          • Highlight any jobs or responsibilities held within the correctional facility, such as kitchen work, maintenance, clerical work, tutoring, or vocational training programs.

          5. Education:

            • List any educational qualifications John holds, including high school diploma or GED.
            • Include any courses or certifications obtained while incarcerated, such as vocational training, college courses, or other educational programs.

            6. Volunteer Experience:

              • Mention any volunteer activities or programs John has participated in, both inside and outside the facility.

              7. Achievements and Awards:

                • Include any recognition or awards John has received during his incarceration, such as for good behavior, participation in rehabilitation programs, or exceptional work performance.

                8. References:

                  • Provide information on how to obtain references from relevant contacts, such as supervisors within the facility or previous employers.

                  Example Resume:

                  John Doe
                  [Correctional Facility Address]
                  [Contact Information]

                  Dedicated and hardworking individual seeking a position in [desired field], leveraging strong skills in [specific skills] and a commitment to continuous learning and growth.


                  • Problem-solving
                  • Teamwork
                  • Leadership
                  • Communication
                  • Time Management
                  • Technical skills (e.g., carpentry, data entry)

                  Work Experience:

                  Kitchen Assistant, XYZ Correctional Facility
                  June 2020 – Present

                  • Assisted in meal preparation and kitchen maintenance
                  • Managed inventory and supplies
                  • Ensured compliance with health and safety standards

                  Maintenance Worker, ABC Company
                  January 2015 – December 2017

                  • Performed routine maintenance and repairs
                  • Assisted with installations and upgrades
                  • Maintained tools and equipment


                  • GED, XYZ Correctional Facility, 2021
                  • Certificate in Carpentry, ABC Vocational Program, 2022

                  Volunteer Experience:

                  • Peer Tutor, XYZ Correctional Facility
                  • Assisted fellow inmates in preparing for GED exams
                  • Provided support in various subjects including math and literacy

                  Achievements and Awards:

                  • Outstanding Behavior Award, XYZ Correctional Facility, 2021
                  • Employee of the Month, Kitchen Services, XYZ Correctional Facility, March 2022

                  Available upon request.


                  Writing a resume after incarceration requires careful consideration and honesty, but it’s an important step toward rebuilding your life and career. By focusing on your skills, experiences, and positive attributes, you can create a compelling resume that opens doors to new opportunities. Remember, every employer values different qualities, so tailor your resume to highlight what makes you a strong candidate for each position.

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