Maintaining a strong connection with an incarcerated loved one can be challenging, but shared activities can help bridge the gap and create meaningful experiences. One such activity is reading books together. With the help of the Bookly app, you can track your reading progress and make the most of your phone calls by sharing stories and discussing books. Here’s how you can use Bookly to enhance your reading experience with your loved one.

What is Bookly?

Bookly is a versatile reading app designed to help you track your reading progress, set goals, and keep a record of the books you’ve read. It offers features like reading timers, progress tracking, and insightful statistics about your reading habits. It’s an excellent tool for organizing your shared reading journey and making the experience more interactive and engaging.

How to Get Started with Bookly

  • Download and Set Up the App:
  • Download the Bookly app from your device’s app store.
  • Create an account and familiarize yourself with its features, including the reading timer, book tracking, and note-taking capabilities.
  • Choose Your Books:
  • Select a book that interests both you and your loved one. Consider genres they enjoy and look for books with engaging plots and relatable themes.
  • Add the book to your Bookly library to start tracking your progress.
  • Schedule Reading Sessions:
  • Plan regular phone calls dedicated to reading and discussing your book. Consistency helps build anticipation and keeps the momentum going.
  • Use the reading timer on Bookly to keep track of how much time you spend reading during each call.

Reading to Your Loved One Over the Phone

  • Set the Scene:
  • Create a comfortable environment for both you and your loved one. Find a quiet space free from distractions where you can focus on the book and your conversation.
  • Encourage your loved one to do the same, if possible.
  • Read Aloud:
  • Start your reading sessions by reading a chapter or a few pages aloud during your phone call. Use expressive intonation to bring the story to life and make it more engaging.
  • Take turns reading if your loved one is comfortable doing so. This can make the experience more interactive and enjoyable for both of you.
  • Discuss the Book:
  • Pause periodically to discuss what you’ve read. Ask open-ended questions to encourage thoughtful conversation, such as “What do you think about the main character’s decision?” or “How do you feel about the events in this chapter?”
  • Share your thoughts and reflections, and listen actively to your loved one’s insights and opinions.

Tracking Your Progress with Bookly

  • Log Your Reading Time:
  • Use Bookly’s reading timer to log the time spent reading during each call. This helps you track your progress and see how much time you’ve dedicated to your shared reading journey.
  • Set goals for how much time you’d like to spend reading each week and track your progress towards meeting these goals.
  • Take Notes and Highlight:
  • Use the note-taking feature to jot down important points, memorable quotes, and discussion topics. This makes it easier to revisit and reflect on key moments in the book.
  • Highlight passages that you find particularly interesting or impactful, and share these highlights with your loved one during your discussions.
  • Review Your Reading Stats:
  • Bookly provides insightful statistics about your reading habits, including the number of books read, total reading time, and reading speed. Review these stats to celebrate your progress and stay motivated.
  • Share these stats with your loved one to acknowledge your shared achievements and set new reading goals together.

Enhancing the Experience

  • Create a Reading Journal:
  • Keep a shared reading journal where you can both write down your thoughts, reflections, and favorite moments from the book. This can be a physical journal that you send back and forth or a digital document that you update together.
  • Expand Your Reading List:
  • Use Bookly to discover new books and create a reading list for future sessions. Explore different genres and authors to keep your reading journey exciting and varied.
  • Celebrate Milestones:
  • Celebrate your reading milestones, such as finishing a book or reaching a certain number of reading hours. Acknowledge these achievements during your calls and plan small celebrations, like sharing a favorite memory or planning your next book.


Using Bookly to read to your incarcerated loved one over the phone can create a powerful and enriching connection. By tracking your progress, engaging in meaningful discussions, and celebrating your shared achievements, you can make the most of your reading journey together. So, download the app, pick a book, and start creating memorable experiences with your loved one today.

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This is Chapters and Chains

Welcome to Chapters and Chains – I created this site for those looking for a way to connect with a loved one who is incarcerated and who are navigating the complex correctional systems across the United States.

Here you will find ways to connect through reading and books with your loved one, information on how to put parole packets together, resources for reintegration and helpful planning documents. All resources are and will always be, FREE.

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